Got Next?

An app created to revolutionize the game of pickup basketball. Join our mailing list for real-time updates, exclusive offers, and inside scoops. Be the first to know when we officially launch.

Court Finder

New to the area? Don’t know where to play pickup? Or simply just bored of playing the same people at the same courts? This incredible feature allows you to find where people are playing near you with detailed info on the courts, the level of competition, and popular times people play there.


A never before seen feature designed to increase the level of competition at the courts. Record and track the games you play on the app and see your real-time rank compared to other players. Play and win more to move up the rankings for exclusive offers and invite-only tournaments.

Meet New People

Add people that you meet at the courts as friends on the app and stay in contact with them in a safe, secure, and simple way. Learn about things like their playing style, game preferences, and past game stats. Easily coordinate a time to play together by messaging them on the app.

Our Launch:

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+1 (832) 552 7075


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